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Our Happy Clients

Xela Tattoos
Xela Tattoos
Words simply cannot describe how amazing my experience was getting acupuncture with Robert. He explained everything about the treatments to me and made me feel very comfortable. He knew exactly what I needed in order for my pain to be alleviated and after one session I felt the difference, something I have never felt in any other acupuncturist office! It was as if I was in the clouds! I highly recommend him, if you plan on getting acupuncture he is your guy!
Elizabeth Palijaro
Elizabeth Palijaro
I have been experiencing chronic foot and knee pain and after one treatment with Dr. Robert I am feeling so much better. I would definately recommend him. The space is very clean and tranquil. It was a very relaxing experience.
Robert is excellent!! I appreciate that he is meticulous with his work and takes his time with each patient. He makes a personalized treatment plan according to each of the patient’s needs. He is highly skilled and knowledgeable and helped me with my health concerns.
I come from a long history of lower back pain. About 3 years ago I was in a really bad shape so I started to try many different things to get better. Honestly nothing seemed to help until a good friend said “I have an amazing acupuncturist. Would you like to try him?”. Well, at first I didn’t believe in acupuncture but I was so desperate and I thought ” Whatever happens it wont make it worse.” My first day at Robert I was very stress out and running late from work and as soon I walked in I felt better. Robert is a very caring person! He takes time to get to know you and your issues before anything. The place smells good and it has a great calm vibe. I have no words to explain how great Giordano Acupuncture is. His session is not just acupuncture, he talks to you, he knows cup technique, his body massage is amazing and the acupuncture he does really works. Every time I go to him I get out very relax and my pain is much much better. I believe Robert is gifted and I would highly recommend him if you suffer from any discomfort, pain, anxiety or stress. If I could I would see him every single day because what he does makes a difference.
j. i. (watercolorNYC)
j. i. (watercolorNYC)
Over the 18 years I’ve known him, Robert has done wonders for my back and sciatica pain. I came to him with severe lower back pain on the recommendation of a friend of a friend. I’d been wearing a ‘belt’ for months, was in constant discomfort, and could not even bend down to pick up my cat’s dish without significant pain. I had already tried standard Western medicine, several kinds of physical therapy, several chiropractors, and an MD who did acupuncture. Nothing made a dent. But after six weeks of shiatsu massage with Robert, my back pain was virtually gone. I continued to see Robert for a while, and learned enough about the pressure points to avoid future problems; my back has *never* given me any more trouble. He’s also done a wonderful job recently with my tight iliotibial band problem. I’ve recommended many friends to Robert, and can never thank him enough for all his help. (I should add that after my back pain left me, I was able at age 50 to take up swing dancing…which I still do at 68.) May I also say that when he uses the Tibetan bowls, the sound is just beautiful – like being underwater or in outer space…or perhaps both simultaneously.
Marina Massote
Marina Massote
I have been Robert’s patient for 2 years now. I started because I was stressed and had serious problems to sleep. After 3 months of treatment I was sleeping like a baby. Now I look for every excuse to see him and he never disappoints me. He is very professional, careful and I wish there were more professionals like Robert Giordano.
Art Intel
Art Intel
I’ve been a patient of Giordano now approximately 5 or 6 years. I’ve had mercury poisoning which lead to neurological complications. I have to say that getting acupuncture with Giordano has improved the areas of numbness and increased blood flow on my lower extremities. He listens carefully, is patient and explains his course of action with the needles. Visiting him is like seeing a masseur, chiropractor and acupuncturist all-in-one.
Robert Alini
Robert Alini
I’ve been seeing Robert since June and I’ve been feeling better with my back pain. Robert is very friendly and besides the needles and cupping, he also gives you an adjustment that feels very good. when I am finished with my session I feel much better .I recommend Robert Giordano as an acupuncturist.
j hanson
j hanson
Robert is very thoughtful and thorough in his treatment. He asks very specific questions and explains their relevance. He has adjusted the acupuncture to my changing needs throughout my pregnancy in order to relieve tightness in my back, improve my circulation and reduce the overall stress in my body. I believe this has improved my overall health.
Dana Eaves
Dana Eaves
Robert Giordano’s treatments have been very effective in helping me relieve pain. Robert is very pleasant, knowledgeable, understanding, and patient with me. I am most impressed at how he knows exactly where the source of my pain is! I think it can be difficult to trust someone to stick needles in you or cup your skin especially when you are face down as I am. However, I trust Robert and have gotten great results with him. Thanks Robert!